There are several steps or stages in creating a creative business, I’ve tried to rationalise these down to 6 stages of a creative business, and the great thing is you’ve probably already gone through the first two or three without realising!
I’ll delve deeper into each stage in the coming weeks.
Each stage has elements which may, or may not, appeal which is why I’m looking at them in detail to help you gain a gut feeling reaction as to where you want your creative business to be.

The great thing is that it’s your business, your journey and your vision!
The journey is all about experimenting, you can absolutely move to another stage, feel that it doesn’t work for you and move to a different stage which brings you joy.
This isn’t a competition, it’s your life and you need to do what’s right for you.
So what are the 6 stages of a creative business and where are you now?
Stage 1
I’m learning my creativity and producing things for me and my family as I learn my craft.

Stage 2
My friends and family are making requests for items and paying for the materials.
Stage 3
Someone outside my friendship group has brought one of my creations.

Stage 4
I go to craft fairs and advertise on social media. It’s paying for the materials plus a little extra. I spend some evenings plus most weekends on my creative business.
Stage 5
It is now a part time business, I have reduced the hours at my day job, I am investing in training and marketing for me and my creative business.

Stage 6
This is my full time business. Of course I’m always training at the same time!
What now?
Let’s look at what each stage entails, this will give you an insight as to how you move to the stage you want to be at.
This doesn’t have to be a linear progression – I’m currently in both stage 6 and stage 1 as I learn a new craft to add to my business!
Su x
p.s. you can join me on a workshop here or buy an art kit here too!